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The Anchorhold

Rule of Life

 ‘..May you know the hope to which he has called you..’




The Christian life is a journey; a journey with and into God; a journey to become the person whom God created us to be. 


Both the vows and the solitude of the solitary religious life preserve the ‘space’ necessary to remain engaged day by day with the mystery of God, the mystery of Creation and the mystery of Being.

The Vows



‘I will fulfil my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.’




The vows are the means by which the whole of life is consecrated and offered to God.  


The vow of consecrated celibacy defines the overall direction of life, as it provides for the primary relationship around which the life is built. The vows of conversion of life and stability preserve a balance between living with the provisionality necessary to an ongoing journey, and the unchanging nature of a life immersed in the eternal God.


'To be human now is the reason we follow the star...' 

W H Auden



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